Quibble Chronicles

Introducing Quibble: A Space for Book Lovers and Artists

September 07, 2023

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Hello, and welcome to our humble corner of the internet!

Who We Are

First things first: who’s behind this endeavor. Well, it’s just the two of us initially. Ever met someone and just clicked? That’s how it went down for us. We were introduced by a mutual friend at his barbecue, sipping beers and munching on grilled veggies. Next thing we know, we’re on a rambling road trip through the countryside - yeah, like something out of a Kerouac novel but with less existential despair and more debates over audio-books and Spotify playlists. Somewhere between gas station snacks and photo ops with cows, we realized we shared a quirky passion: a fascination with the visual magic that brings our favorite stories to life. One conversation led to another, and here we are, creating a space for people like you and us; artful readers, talented illustrators and bestselling authors, all with their own vivid imaginations.

Why We’re Here

If you’ve ever been pulled into a bookshop by a stunning book cover, you know the magic we’re talking about. But have you ever wondered why that specific piece of art caught your eye? Or how your vision of Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen might be worlds apart from someone else’s?

We’re here to explore those questions, to delve into the overlooked but fascinating interplay between the visual and the textual elements of reading. No, we’re not scholars or critics. We’re just people who get excited talking about why the ‘Great Gatsby’s’ cover art is a masterpiece in its own right or how our imagined landscapes of ‘Middle-Earth’ might differ.

Facing the Fear: We Jumped!

Starting something new is always a bit daunting, isn’t it? Whether it’s sketching your favorite scene from a recent read or simply sharing your thoughts on why a particular cover didn’t do justice to the story, the first step is often the hardest.

Honestly, there were moments of self-doubt, sprinkled with thoughts like “Who are we to do this?” and “Will anyone even care?” We’ve been hemming and hawing about launching this community for a while, counting zero followers and facing the stark reality that our “community” consisted of just us and a shared Google Doc. It’s like standing at the edge of a diving board, the water below both inviting and terrifying.

Silhouette of a person leaping across a reflective pond at sunset, with a large tree and vibrant orange sky in the background.
Credit: Unslpash – kidcircus

But then we realized: if not us, then who? And if not now, then when? So, we swallowed our fears, took a collective deep breath, and jumped in, feet first. The amazing thing is, once you’re in the air, the fear turns into a rush, a thrill that only comes from taking a chance.

And that’s why this space aims to be a safe, inviting community for everyone - from the seasoned artist to the casual reader and aspiring book author. We want to remove the intimidation factor that often surrounds the realms of art and literature. Here, there’s room for all interpretations, all skill levels, and all kinds of passion for books and art.

What’s Next?

In the coming weeks, we’ll share insights, feature art (maybe yours!), and discuss topics that unravel the rich tapestry linking visual art to literature. Expect topics like ‘The Evolution of Book Illustration,’ ‘The Psychology Behind Book Covers,’ and ‘Why Everyone Who Reads Is an Artist.’

So, if any of this resonates with you, bookmark this page, grab your paintbrushes and let’s embark on this journey together!

See you soon,

The Quibble Team

P.S. Want to be a trailblazer? Be among the first to fill our currently empty but oh-so-promising Twitter and Discord channels with life, color, and, well, quibbles! Trust us, being first has its quirks and perks!

Join the adventure
and Quibble your

The art is generative AI free on Quibble.
